Pedigree Shetland Sheep in Dorset

the first flock in the uk to achieve SRUC MV and Johnes Monitored Status

Shetland Sheep Products
Contactless payments accepted
Seasonally we have various Shetland products for sale.
The Shetland Sheep produces the finest British wool and is second only to the Merino in the world. It is a single coated sheep of which the fleece is characteristically well crimped. The staple is short to medium in length and is particularly suitable for very fine hand spinning. It is naturally coloured and soft to handle and can be worn next to the skin. One fleece is usually sufficient to produce a jumper or top large enough for an adult.
Katmoget sheep have dark legs, belly, and front stripe and distinctive badgerface markings. Fleeces generally have pale tips with colour underneath.
Shetland yarn is traditionally used in Fair Isle knitting and can be dyed into a wide range of colours. The yarn can be produced in various weights from cobweb to aran and knitted items are soft, warm and last for many years, often as heirlooms. The famous Shetland Ring Shawls are made from the wool of Shetland Sheep. The picture shows a shrug knitted from one fleece of one of our ewes, Creedy Sally, the subtle shading arising from the natural variation of colour in the katmoget fleece pattern.

All of our stock are pedigree registered with the Shetland Sheep Society. The sheep are hardy, easy to handle and respect their field boundaries. They enjoy a varied diet of grass, meadow and hedgerow plants. The ewes are excellent mothers and as such are especially suitable for cross-breeding to produce good sized lambs for meat.
Our flock is maintained on a Heptavac P Plus system and regularly screened for internal parasties. It is a high health status flock, and has MV and Johnes Monitored status.

We have ram hogget available when in season, usually late spring. The meat is very tasty and is exceptional when slow cooked. As it is slow grown, it is less fatty than other hogget. All of our hogget comes from ram shearlings.
Our meat is made available to order and sold as soon as it is available from the butchery. It is cut and prepared to customer requirements and sold fresh.
We only use a specialist small scale abattoir, recognised locally for its care and quality, and which is within 10 miles of our farm.

Photo Courtesy of Mr N Bunting
What our customers say
"I slow cooked the shoulder yesterday (lots of garlic, rosemary on a bed of shallots and carrots). In oven for about 4 hours on a very low heat, then a generous slug of red wine thrown in and continued cooking for another few hours. Strained the sauce and reduced it and poured over end result. The smell in the kitchen was tantalising all day and the resulting dish was amazing! My husband was making grumbling noises about having a salad as shoulder of lamb is always fatty which, of course, it is, but I was able to separate this without a problem due to it all falling wonderfully off the bone. He loved it! - we all did.
Can’t wait to try the other cuts.
We said at supper how lovely it was that we really were eating local produce."