Pedigree Shetland Sheep in Dorset

the first flock in the uk to achieve SRUC MV and Johnes Monitored Status

The Sheep
Ensuring the best health and welfare of all of the sheep is fundamental to our flock management ethos. To consistently achieve this, we work closely with veterinary professionals and to the latest guidance and best practice. The Uping Down Shetlands flock is MV and Johnes Monitored by the SRUC, Scotland's Rural College. It is the first flock in the UK to achieve Monitored status.
The Rams
The rams are all proven tups and, when not with their ewes, live in a bachelor group together with their wether. They are fawn katmoget or grey katmoget in colour and markings. Each one of them has an even temperament as well as an individual character.
The rams are mostly horned, but we also keep a polled tup (a normal, natural genetic variation) with a characteristically very fine fleece.

The ewes are used to produce wool and to grow and replace the flock. They are all katmoget in markings and vary in colour from very pale fawn to dark grey.
All of the breeding ewes are trained to come to a bucket and walk happily on a halter.
The Ewes

The Lambs
The lambs are born in April and live outdoors with their mothers until weaning at about 16 weeks old. When born, they are very quick to stand, walk and suckle. The ram lambs are not castrated. The lambs' tails are naturally short and are not docked.